A storm is brewing!!

I facilitated a bad day today! I was deliberately rude today. The dick's been winding me oop ever since the dick came.  One thing I know- the dick's jeopardizing my path.  Am in a comfort zone and the dick's trying to ruin it.  That's what I think. The dick is a bosssyy boots,  always trying to be busy but the dick's done nuthing.  The dick's dooone sumthin to make the dick looks good, but we're not sure whether is going to work or not. The dick has passed through my line today! I thought the dick gets my gesture as I have drawn a line ever since the dick first says hello to me.  I prefer if the dick stays away from my zone.  But today I had to be rude to the dick because I felt sick when the dick stood near me.   My nose was very sensitive.  I could smell sumthin from the dick.  I think the dick needed to go to Boots.  So I used the reason to be rude-ish when the dick said sumthin to me.  The dick said I was supposed to do this and that but I couldn't be arsed to listen to  the dick's preach.  I was knackered and the dick's doin jack!!!  How fair was that?? But of course the dick thought its balls were bigger than others.  I woudn't win coz I didn't have the balls. I tried to keep the real balls(the foot ball)  rolling before the dick came.  I was doin alrite and I thought I was going to be okay.  It was just a dream.  I fell for it. But it's not gunna happen.  You can't trust people nowadays.  I fell for it and it looked like I was lying to my dearest. It's not really a good week tho. I dunno why.  People being insensitive.  Someone at work came to me a couple of days ago.  She had a big grin on her face and asking me politely whether I could cover for her during half term.  Before I said yes, I told her that I wasn't sure coz I've booked my holiday to Denmark. So I needed to check whether I'd be available for that particular day.  The next day, I told her that I could do it and she thanked me for that.  She was very pleased.  I didn't smell sumthin rotten there. We then went to our staff room and our boss double checked the rota.  The boss mentioned it in general about my day off........ And then I saw her true colourrrrrs!!!  (I mean the woman who asked me to cover for her). She looked at the rota and found out that neither me or her would be available on Friday.  And she glared at the boss and frowning as if my day off would make the world upside down.  She said, Oh do you want me to come but I need to ask someone to babysit my kid.  Course the boss would say, oh no , don't worry... it's not a problem.  My jaw dropped and I stared at her and I was like... WTF!!!!!  (WORLD TAEKWANDO FEDERATION).  EXCUSE  ME YOU THICK COW!!!!  I ALWAYS SAID YES WHEN YOU NEEDED MY HELP!  YOU SAID TO ME NICELY WHEN YOU ASKED ME TO COVER FOR YOU AND YOU MADE FOONNNY FACE IN FRONT OF ME WHEN THE BOSS APPROVED MY FOOKIN DAY OFF!!! DO YOU THINK YOU'RE THE ONLY PERSON IN THIS WHOLE WIDE WORLD WHO NEEDS A HOLIDAY OR NEEDS TO SPEND TIME WITH YOUR LOVED ONES???? WHERE WERE YOU WHEN WE NEEDED YOU MOST??? YOU'RE DOING JACK AND CAME BACK WITH SUN TAN AND WE FOOKIN HAD TO DO ALL THE SHIT!!!!  YOU'RE USING YOUR KID AS A REASON.. ERR NO ONE'S LOOKIN AFTER MY KID, I'M A BIT PANICKY COZ I HAVE TO FIND A BABYSITTER.  (HOW WOULD I KNOW IF YOU'RE REALLY LOOKIN AFTER YOUR KID OR IS IT REALLY TRUE THAT YOU CAN'T FIND SOMEONE TO LOOK AFTER YOUR KID EH?  IT'S SO FOOKIN OBVIOUS THAT YOU'RE PLANNIN TO GO AWAY COZ YOU ASKED ME TO COVER FOR YOU ON THURSDAY AND YOU'RE NOT IN ON FRIDAY EITHER).  SO DO YOU THINK I DON'T HAVE  A HUSBAND TO SPEND TIME WITH????  SO DO YOU THINK I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR A GETAWAY????


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